The Simurgh Project began as a collaboration between Roya Movafegh and Kate Digby in 2013. After Movafegh's untimely passing, additional collaborators joined the team to help manifest and iterate on Movafegh's vision.
Between 2017-2019, the creative development was co-led by Digby and Erika Batdorf and included an astonishing team of interdisciplinary artists including: Tanya Birl-Torres, performer & dramaturgical consultant; Sylvia Defend, costume design; Anahita Dehbonehie, scenography; Tosha Dorion, performer; Kate Gordon, performer; Bahiyyih Grover, performer; Mark-David Hosale, computational art & installation; Julia Howman, projection design; Asha James, performer; Alan Macy, biosensing art objects ,installation and technology; Aeric Meredith-Goujon, composition & sound design; Jazmin Royg, performer; Parisa Sabet, composition; Lua Shayenne, performer & dramaturgical consultant.
Digby continues to lead the project in posthumous collaboration with, and dedication to, Roya Movafegh.